داستان آبیدیک

sexual dv


1 عمومی:: خشونت خانگی جنسی

Based on women's answers to the questionnaire the following binary variables were developed: the experience of any moderate physical DV (yes/no), any severe physical DV (yes/no), any physical (either moderate or severe) DV (yes/no), any sexual DV (yes/no), any emotional DV (yes/no) and any controlling behaviour (yes/no). Additionally, the experience of sexual DV (P= 0·02) and controlling behaviour (P= 0·06) reduced median duration of EBF by 15 d. In adjusted Cox regression models, the hazards ratio for early cessation of EBF was higher in those who were exposed to any DV, sexual DV (P< 0·05) and tended to be higher in those who had experienced controlling behaviour (P= 0·08) if women were in the UHM group (Table 3). In addition, there was an interaction of the exposure to any DV, sexual DV and controlling behaviour, and counselling group with EBF duration (P= 0·08). In our study, women who were exposed to any lifetime or sexual DV had reduced days of EBF in the UHM group.

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